Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa Korth.) dikenal dengan julukan “Daun Surga Asal Kalimantan”. Masyarakat Kalimantan menganugerahi julukan populer tersebut tentu karena khasiat yang dimilikinya. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) telah memasukan kratom dalam New Psychoactive Substance (NPS). Secara tradisional, kratom digunakan untuk meredakan nyeri, tekanan darah tinggi, batuk, mena…
Are you ready to learn all about the power of Kratom? Welcome to the ultimate guide to Kratom! Kratom is powerful, I've personally used Kratom for several years and the immense benefits this magical herb can offer you are HUGE. Best of all, Kratom is legal! Chances are you've heard a bit about Kratom as it is starting to gain popularity and traction in the media... get the complete lowdow…
This is the authoritative, bestselling guide that professionals and students turn to for a complete introduction to motivational interviewing (MI), the powerful approach to facilitating change. The book elucidates the four processes of MI -- engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning -- and vividly demonstrates what they look like in action. A wealth of vignettes and interview examples illustrat…
The In Controversy series examines the complex, controversial issues of the day breaking them indo smaller pieces.
Cannabis sativa is the scientific name for the widely used drug commonly known as marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States as well as in many other countries. Considered a ""soft"" drug, it is a naturally growing plant that is harvested as its crude product for use. Other familiar names for marijuana are weed, dope, pot, hemp, cannabis, and reefer. Mariju…
Ketersedian pangan disuatu tempa sangat penting dalam menunjang terciptannya stabilitas sosial, budaya dan ekonomi.